How to remove the standby mode on Windows 7 With unexpected power failures, the data is restored from the hard disk. Open documents and programs in this case are stored in memory and on the hard disk, and the computer is transferred to the mode of reduced energy consumption. In desktops with Windows 7, the default is usuallythe so-called hybrid sleep mode is included.

This mode is often used in laptops, because to maintain it requires the least amount of energy, this saves battery power. In Hibernate mode, documents and settingsstored on the hard disk, then the computer turns off. This is similar to pressing the "Pause" button while watching a movie. In the actual sleep mode, open documents and parameters are stored in the computer's memory before going into the low power mode and restored from there when switching to the normal mode of power consumption. In general, in the operating system Windows 7 is availablethree options for sleep mode.